Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Jack Up Offshore Crew and Job Description

Jackup Mobile drilling rig (MODU) used in offshore drilling. Jackup rigs stand on the ocean floor with their hull and drilling equipment elevated above the water on connected leg supports. Jackup rigs are generally preferred over other rig types in water depths of 400 feet or less, primarily because jackup rigs provide a more stable drilling platform with above water blowout prevention equipment.

Jackup offshore Crews work 12 hours shifts and ussually change at 6:00 AM/PM, individuals with no onboard releif are on call 24 hours per day but ussually only work 12 hours per day. 

Following Jackup Full crews positions and job responsibilites. 

1. Offshore Installation Manage (OIM) 
OIM in charge of all activities and legally responsible for the rig. 

2. Senior/Day Tool Pusher 
Position in charge of drilling activities and directing personnel that support the hole making activities on the 


3. Night Tool Pusher
Similar duties to day tool pusher but works at night and ussually subordidnate to the Day toolpusher.

4. Driller, 4 on/off
In charge of the drill floor, drill crews, well progress and reports to the Tool Pushers.

5. Assistan Drillers, 4 on/off
Assist Driller, in charge of drill floor when driller is not present, assists driller in his duties. 

6. Derrickman, 4 on/off
In charge on trips in and out the well racks pipe in the derrick at the monkey board level and also assists 

with mud solids equipment and monitoring mud condition. 

7. Floorman, 16 on/off
In charge supervised by the driller and works primarily on the drill floor, substructure and with drilling 


8. Crane Operator, 4 on/off
In charge of operates the rig's cranes and supervises the roustabout crews. 

9. Roustabout, 8 on/off
In charge of performs manual labor such as painting, unlloading boats, carrying supplies to store rooms 

and other manual labor under the direction of the Crane operators.

10. Mechanic, 4 on/off
In charge of all rig mechanical equipment but particularly engines. 

11. Assistant Mechanic, 2 on/off
In charge of splits tours between two hitches on mechanics. Aids in mechanic's work and is in training. 

12. Motermen, 4 on/off
In charge primary duty is to monitor and attend the engine room. reportes to the mechanic. 

13. Electrician/Electronics Technician, 4 on/off
In charge of all rig electrical and electronic equipment and their maintenance. 

14. Asisstant Electrician, 2 on/off
In charge of splits tours between two hitches of electricians. aids in electrician work and is in training, 

reports to lead electrician. 

15. Welder, on/off 2, 
In charge of welds plate and peipe as necessary for drilling contractor and operator. 

16. Materialsmen, on/off 4
In charge handles materials, data entry for maintenance, purchasing, inventory, etc. 

17. Communications, on/off 2.
In charge of communications. 

18. Barge Engineer, on/off 2
In charge of the marine equipment and its oepration, in charge during rig moves and jacking. generally the 

maintenance crews and specialist report to the barg engineer. 

19. Catering/Camp Boss, on/off 2
In charge of hotel function on rig such as food, laundry, etc. 

20. Cooks, on/off 4.
In charge of preparing food for crews. 

21. Galley Hands, on/off 20
In charge of helps with food, cleans rooms, laundry etc. under the camp boss. 

Total for basic complement 98 crews.

Image courtesy of Maersk Drilling 


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