Friday, May 22, 2015

How to Become an Underwater Welder
Offshore Industry offered a very good remuneration which make people choose their profession to work on the industry. Anyone who want to join offshore should be a healthy, hard work also has a particular expertise as required in the offshore industry.

One of the daring profession is underwater welder, Underwater welding salary ranges from $25-300K+ based off of experience, location and a few risky endeavors that some divers undergo.

While a career as a commercial diver and underwater welder can be rewarding, it is not for everyone. The industry demands total commitment, long hours, extensive travel, a great attitude and superior work ethic.  If you're interested in becoming a commercial diver and underwater welder then it's important that you be ready for a physically and mentally challenging career.

These are the minimum requirements you will need to possess:

High school Diploma or GED
Ability to swim
Mechanical aptitude
Commercial Diving Certification
AWS Certified Welding Training

Here 7 tips, which can help you to become an underwater welder.

1. Prepare to spend a substantial amount of money for your education and certification.
2. Become a certified commercial diver.
   It’s not enough to have SCUBA diver certification, because sport dive training doesn’t include education      on the safety and environment of offshore commercial work and the safe use of commercial diving             equipment you need.
3. Take a dive physical, even if the commercial dive school you apply to doesn’t require one.
4. Get certified as a welder.
    completing the Certified Welder program from the American Welding Society (also known as A.W.S.) .
5. Attend an underwater welding school.
   The length of time required for underwater welding training varies between schools, but can last as little     as 6 months or as long as 2 years.
6. Apply to a company who hires underwater welders for an apprenticeship, or what’s known as a “diver         tender,” to learn the trade and gain on-the-job training.
    Most dive contractors require that you have enough knowledge in dry and/or wet welding to pass               qualification tests and have the required certification from the A.W.S and American National Standards        Institute (ANSI) before beginning work.
7. Acquire specific skills required by the underwater welding company that employs you. These skills can         vary and the A.W.S recommends formal training to learn the required skills.

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